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Room Infinte Cofounder
Since I was a child I used to stand out due to my imagination which was marked by the games that surrounded me by that time. Always making up stories from all kinds, also videogames were a source of inspiration for me.
Soon was born my hobby in creating games. I created them in paper for my friends and I lost attention at class while drawing mazes for my classmates.
My fascination for the space also started very soon. I knew the nine planets in the solar system when I was only five, and I dreamed of travelling around the universe.
Years later, I decided to focus my career in engineering and I began working on it but my desires about creating new games were always there. When I first knew about Escape Rooms, a new leisure alternative, I felt inmediattely enthusiastic about it.
Like many other times we talked between friends: "Let's set up a new one!" But this time we meant it...
As you can see this project means a great hope for me and my friend Yesu because of different reasons and that is what we want to transmit.
Do you get on the spaceship?

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Cargo / Position
Room Infinte Cofounder
"When I grow up I want to be an inventor". This was my answer to the always classic question which all of us have been asked: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
After being educated in a big family of 4 brothers and sisters, nowadays I know clearly which are the important values for me and it did not take too long to know which were the true ones.
Lover of the nature, conspirations and mistery, I have been my whole live under the truth. Today, I believe I am sure about one of them: Happiness is something important.
That is why know my motto is: "I want to do something great, make people laugh, make the world enjoy".
Here comes up the need of creating with my friend Juan, something where the end is to make people who want to feel new sensations, have a good time. A leisure alternative which at the same time provokes my gratification making people glad with our "invention".
Someday I would like to end my life answering the question: "what did you do for living?"
"I was inventor of Escape Rooms".